Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 9, 2021

Dùng búa giết bò, Úc cấm xuất khẩu bò sang Việt Nam | VTC

Dùng búa giết bò, Úc cấm xuất khẩu bò sang Việt Nam | VTC

 Horrific cruelty in Vietnam again shows live export industry can't be trusted
A shocking new investigation has exposed Australian cattle exported to Vietnam having their skulls crushed with sledgehammers
In 2011, the live export industry was exposed for horrific cruelty in Indonesia. Rather than ensure animals would no longer be sent to countries where they are at risk of extreme abuse, the industry opened a new market — Vietnam — where the traditional method of slaughter was sledge-hammering ...

It's what happens before the first blow that is hardest to watch. He'd already seen his pen mates have their skulls crushed by a sledgehammer ... One poor animal collapsed to the ground in absolute terror and anxiety before he'd even been hit once. Such was the profound fear permeating throughout this slaughterhouse. This Aussie steer knew exactly what was coming. In what animal behaviour experts call a typical fear response, he bowed his head as low as it could go and tried desperately, yet hopelessly, to avoid the sledgehammer. He was trying to be invisible. To be small. But there was no escape.

Another animal withstood five blows to the head, his skull caved in, before he collapsed.

Sledgehammering is a nightly horror in slaughterhouses in Vietnam. It's a horrific fate for any animal but live export laws should at least protect Australian cattle from this brutal practice. But regulations are failing, exporters know it, and yet they continue to flood Vietnam with animals.
In a new investigation, Animals Australia has again documented extensive live export regulation breaches throughout Vietnam, including the brutal sledgehammering to death of Australian cattle. The evidence gathered exposes systemic corruption and circumvention of the traceability system in Vietnam, leaving tens of thousands of animals exposed to horrific cruelty.

The investigation also uncovered:

  • Australian animals in non-approved abattoirs in a notorious slaughter village where sledgehammering is a nightly occurrence
  • Australian animals present at non-approved slaughterhouses in North-East and Central Vietnam
  • the routine removal of ear tags so they cannot be linked back to the exporter legally responsible for them
  • an Australian bull butchered while still alive at an approved abattoir
  • Australian supplied stunning equipment being incorrectly used in approved slaughterhouses
  • animals being crudely killed and butchered in both approved and non-approved slaughterhouses in filthy, unhygienic conditions
The Department of Agriculture (DA) first became aware of Australian cattle in Vietnam being sledgehammered in 2013. In May 2015 Animals Australia provided DA with further evidence of sledgehammering, showing the regulatory system was failing to protect animals. Since then, DA has consistently been provided with information that reveals the traceability system in Vietnam (including the use of CCTV) has been corrupted — with thousands of animals leaving approved supply chains. Despite this, and knowing that Australian animals remain at extreme risk of sledgehammering in Vietnam, they have continued to allow cattle exports to Vietnam.


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